Saturday, October 31, 2009

*SWOON* Vanity Fair Cover December 2009

So while getting ready for my splendid *stops to change songs playing on itunes muttering it's NOT christmas yet grrr, christmas music* -sorry where was I? oh yeah- Halloween party I jumped on Twitter to see what was going on with everyone else this fine Saturday and had a Robgasm. Oh yeah, Vanity Fair released the cover- yeah after yesterday not shocked it's a hot pic on the cover of dear old Rob -*blushes* had another dream about him last night but that's beside the point- right where was I? See he makes me lose my train of thought with his fineness..... oh yeah so Rob on the cover of Vanity Fair's December 09 edition, which will hit stores in November (does anyone else think that's weird? I mean shouldn't the November edition hit the stores in November?) but I've heard varied reports on when it should hit stands from Nov 6th-10th (or if you're in my town probably never- so If I can't get it someone should send it to us) so be on the lookout very soon. And remember THIS (see awesome pic directly below) is what you're looking for.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dead = Me! Vanity Fair you rock!

Dare I say it? Better than GQ? I can't wait to own this Vanity Fair. There pictures will be in the December Edition!!! Merry Robmass!!!

Jaw Porn!!!!

Not my favorite. Reminds me of a NKOTB pose. OH the right stuff!

OMG piano, almost as good as hearing him play. oh gawd hott!

 Puddle, me, on floor....

 Is that corn? mmm, who would have thought I'd be turned on by that?

 Too bad Rob's not shirtless. Still yummy!

There goes the panties!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Facebook Group!

Ok so I admit I was bored and decided I needed something else to do this evening so I started our own Group on facebook. If you're on FB and wanna join just go here or search for ApplesNFeathers. You can add your own video links, pics, do discussions, have fun. So Join Already!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

YES! The EPIC Meme Post!

Ok so probably most everyone knows that those crazy Twitarded chicks started a (soon to be legendary I'm sure) epic Meme. While RL got in the way we were tagged several times to get our Meme out. Those who tagged us: Straight Jacket Aimee, KG at I Heart Mythical Creatures, the Crazy Ms M and MS J at Twisessed, and the girls at Not an Addikt. Thanks guys for making sure we got the tag- so here we go.

So here's the deal: STY and I came up with a couple of questions for all you bloggers. If you're tagged, answer the questions and tag four other blogs. Don't forget to link back to the blog that tagged you! Let's see how many blogs we can get to participate and hopefully at the end of all this we'll know a lot more about each other. Believe it or not, we even made the questions 99% other-blog friendly! I don't think I said vagina or cock gobbling in a single question!

On your mark, get set, GO!!

1) What is the craziest/most stupid thing you've ever done (that you would be willing to share!)?
2) One my personal favorite games: Fuck, Marry, Kill. With the Twilight cast. I can't wait to read these! (Or "Eff, Marry, Kill" if you don't have my potty mouth.)**
3) What is your favorite band/type of music?
4) What is your favorite movie besides Twilight?
5) Do you RL life family/friends know you’re addicted to Twilight? A blogger?
6) How many hours a week do you spend doing Twi related things? You know, blogging, looking at pictures of the cast, reading fan fiction, etc.
7) Any random fact you might want to share. Big or small, it doesn't matter.

**Just encase you didn't know: Fuck, Marry, Kill Rules - Out of all the Twilight characters pick one character you want to fuck, one you would marry and one you would love to kill.

Aimee's Answer's
1) What is the craziest/most stupid thing you've ever done (that you would be willing to share!)? Oh God- um I don't know, there are so many. When I was in High School I once went out with some friends to "decorate" a rival football team (and their band's) practice field and it turned into driving from our town to their town the rest of the night 1-upping the other. That's probably the stupidest.

Eff, Marry, Kill: Eff- Emmett (cause yum body), Marry-Edward (if I'm married to him I can also eff him), Kill- Jessica Stanley (she's annoying so def kill her)

What is your favorite band/type of music? I don't really have a favorite band. I love too many groups and types of music but my favorites are Pop, Alt Rock, Country, Broadway, Classical, Swing/Big Band- even some Rap.

What is your favorite movie besides Twilight? Fav movie would be Gidget Goes Hawaiian.

Do you RL life family/friends know you’re addicted to Twilight? A blogger? Yes my RL fam/friends know all about my obsession and blogging habit. In fact you can see some comments by my friends and fam in the blog or on youtube. I am frequently told by my Aunt how much she loves our vids and wants us to do more. So I am completely out of the twi-closet.

How many hours a week do you spend doing Twi related things? You know, blogging, looking at pictures of the cast, reading fan fiction, etc. how many hours a week? tough- I guess i do at least an hour-2 each night when i get home from work, plus probably about 3-4 on my 2 days off so (someone do the math) uh (5x2=10+8=18?) i guess about 18 hrs a week on twi-bloggy stuff. But if you count how much I actually talk about it too to other ppl probably like 50hrs.

Any random fact you might want to share. Big or small, it doesn't matter. At one point I was having a reoccuring dream (really weird cause it didn't change at all) that I met Rob in a bar, proceeded to have crazy love-making with him, got pregnant (with Twins!), and proceeded to get engaged to him. I had this dream for like a month almost every night.*note from Susie* what Aimee failed to mention is that I was their nanny that lived across from them LOL

Susie's Answers
1)What is the craziest/most stupid thing you've ever done (that you would be willing to share!)?
My first couple years of college were the craziest time in my life. One particular night sticks out in my mind. It was the only time I ever got drunk off tequila. At one point I was on a table with my sorority sister Kristen wrapped up in a human pretzel grinding to "Pour Some Sugar On Me", I made out with a lot of strangers, and the end of the night ended with me and a different sorority sister topless laying on the carport singing "Blue Moon" up at the sky...good times

2)Fuck, Marry, Kill. Hmmm I would Fuck Edward(bitten pillows and feathers EVERYWHERE), marry Carlisle, and kill Jane

3)What is your favorite band/type of music? My favorite type of music is acoustic indie, mostly the Lilith Fair era especially(I love everything Sarah McLaughlin has ever created!) I like to feel mellow most of the time. When i'm feeling angsty I tend to listen to classic punk(Sex Pistols!!!)

4)What is your favorite movie besides Twilight? This is the hardest question for me because I'm a lover of movies(just ask Aimee) but If I had to absolutely pick then I would pick ummmmmm(damn this is hard) The Lost Boys. No matter what kind of day i'm having if I watch this movie I feel better

5) Do you RL life family/friends know you’re addicted to Twilight? A blogger?
Everyone in my RL knows. Mostly at work I avoid the subject because I just get the typical groans and my mom doesn't approve of my obsession(she's says its silly and I care!) but all my friends are FULLY aware

6) How many hours a week do you spend doing Twi related things? You know, blogging, looking at pictures of the cast, reading fan fiction, etc. ALOT I do Twilight stuff at both home and work. I talk Twilight all the time. I browse blogs, read/review fan fics, Twitwitter like mad so if I had to guess a weekly total I would say about 25-30 hrs a week...shit that's sad lol

7) Any random fact you might want to share. Big or small, it doesn't matter.
I have a severe case of Equestriphobia. If you don't know what that is...its the fear of horses. Yes I live in Kentucky(The Thoroughbred State) and I'm terrified. If you've ever seen the movie The Ring, I actually clapped and cheered when the horse had its little "accident" ummm yeah

So we know that majority of you have been tagged already and some of you we were going to tag but someone else beat us to the punch, but there are still a few that we have in mind so get to it ladies!!

Hungry Vampire


Inappropriate Twilight Obsession

Our First Giveaway--Sponsored by Cafe Press!

If you are a fan of trolling the Twilight blogs like Aimee and I are you have probably noticed the numerous posts of Twilight T-Shirt Giveaways popping up. Weelllll we here at ApplesNFeathers also are in communication with the Cafe Press and we are also going to be giving away a Twilight T Shirt OF YOUR CHOICE!!! But before you can win one...we have a little challenge for you!

The Challenge
If you've been following our blog from the very beginning than you know that we originally started out with a channel on YouTube in which we expressed our Twiobsession via videos 5 days a week. Eventually we decided to branch out and launch our blog which has been much more successful! We do still make videos every now and again but the blog is much easier to handle. If you haven't watched our videos then I suggest you click on the smexy Rob picture and check them out!

Now that's out of the way...our challenge to you! We wanted to get back to our video roots soooo to win a Twilight TShirt of your choice courtesy of Cafe Press we want you to send us videos!

Here are the stipulations(what would life be without those)
1. They must be fan made! Because without the fans The Twilight Saga would not be what it is today!
2. They don't have to made by you! Now if you are talented and want to enter one you've made yourself than that is fine but we didn't want to discount the people that can't make videos so choosing your favorite fan video out of the millions that are out there works too!
3. The more creative the better! They can be music videos, tributes, spoofs, etc! There are tons of videos out there just waiting to be viewed and the best one out of the bunch will get the prize!
4. Anyone is eligible! That means you international readers can enter too!
Need an example? Go to this past post to see a good example
Aimee's Rob Montage
**A Note About Spoilers**
If there are any spoilers in the video please let us know in the comments

The prize is your choice and how do you choose what shirt you want? Go to this link
( )and browse till your Twiobsession speaks to you!

Lets sum it all up for ya!
Down in the comments, leave a link to the video that you want to submit; also leave the link to the shirt that you want(include size and color) and don't forget to let us know if the video contains spoilers for Eclipse (or New Moon) so we'll know to be prepared(we want to try to keep our reclaimed "virginities" rintact)

And that's IT! We will close the contest on Saturday(October 31st) and post the winner next week!!!

Good Luck! Now let's see some videos!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Eclipse Title Treatment Released (SPOILER FREE) and win a Volvo!

Eclipse Title Treatment is released by Summit. You can click this link here to go see it (via Twilight Lexicon). I haven't seen it so yay for me and the new purity pledge.

I also saw this today over at Cullen Boys Anonymous:

Volvo has launched a new website called and they have a couple of contests going on. Right now you can enter to win 2 tickets to the world premiere of “New Moon” and starting Nov 1st you can play the What Drives Edward contest for a chance to win an XC60, Edward’s Volvo as seen in “New Moon”. Click here to get started.

So there's your news from today.

Susie and Aimee reclaim their virginity?!?

Alright so for eclipse there are gonna be some changes around here. Me and Susie, in an attempt to be pure at something, have taken our own purity pledge.  We have decided that we are not going to search for, look at, "stumble across", or post any leaked eclipse set pics. We also are not going to do the same for videos or basically anything for Eclipse. Here's what we will do- we will post the cast list (cause um heh we already did), we will post announcements about the soundtrack- but we don't know how pure we're gonna for the music yet so- they may be basic posts with go here to preorder crap. We are going to watch  the Official Trailer- ONLY 1 TIME- when it gets released. We will not post the trailer on the blog, we will link you to it, and we are going to do a reaction video to it which is why we're watching it only 1 time. We will also probably end up posting more summit officially released news or links to pics/posters when they are released. So we will get you linked somehow to what you want, hopefully without us seeing it lol.

Why are we doing this you may ask? Are we just following a trend? Nope, although purity pledges seem to be gaining momentum (see the pretty pic on the right?), we decided to do this mostly because we want to be excited, the same level of excitement as when Twilight came out. For Twilight, we had seen the trailer and the posters and shirts and basically that was it- it was awesome because we watched it without knowing every little detail. And while we may not know every little detail about New Moon, what we do know is overload! Eclipse for us is gonna be a surprise. We're not gonna know how the hair and makeup look (although we already know that KStew's Wig is awful!) and we're not gonna try to find out. So- if you'd like to join us, please take the purity pledge with us! If you want to be an Eclipse Slut, then we will try to make sure your have at least links so you can find what you want. Soon i'm going to be trying to compile a basic list of those blogs/sites that are pure and will post it up so you guys know. *If you are one of those sites leave us a msg in the comments letting us know.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Precious II...A Picture Story By Susie

A package arrived in the mail today

What could it be? I was perplexed yet curious

Opening it hands began to shake

A loving note lay nestled inside

And behold the glorious Precious II!!!!

My fangirl hormones took over...could you blame me?!

A Big Thank You with lots of hugs and kisses to Bitches and Firecrotch from We Bite Pretty Hard for making my day a bazillion times better!! Just wait till Aimee gets home...she'll FREAK!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

We Have The New Moon What's The Verdict?

Yesterday at approximately 5pm the UPS man came knocking at our door and brought me the New Moon soundtrack. I'm pretty sure I scared the guy cause I squealed like the fan girl I am *I swear it kind of just slipped out* plus I didn't think we'd be receiving it until Monday so dammit I had every right to "twitard out" no matter how inappropriate it seemed. After scaring him away, and doing a thrusty dance with the package I sat down to listen to it so that I could give you my honest opinion of each and every song. Aimee will be chiming in too because we wanted to give separate opinions in case they differ.

Track 1: "Meet Me On The Equinox" by Death Cab For Cutie
What Paramore did for the Twilight soundtrack DCFC will do for New Moon. Its modern and a catchy tune. I've listened to it multiple times already since it alone came out before the
soundtrack. So far its my fourth favorite song of the bunch *4 Apples*
 *Aimee* Okay I like the song but well I liked Paramore's song better as relates to the movies/books. This is like the "front runner" but I think as more people get the soundtrack we'll see other songs being liked way better. Personally I'd give it 3 Apples.

Track 2: "Friends" by Band of Skulls 
Its not the best song but its not the worst. I like the beat and lyrics are good. This will be one of those songs that I have listen to several times before I really start to like it. I felt this way when I first heard "Tremble For My Beloved" on the Twilight soundtrack but now I enjoy it so we'll see *3 Apples*
*Aimee* I love the beat for this and the tambourine. It kind of reminds me of a Target commercial song but I love it. I can't help but to dance to it- ultimate approval. I could see this in the movie during the birthday scene. I give this 4 Apples.

Track 3: "Hearing Damage" by Thom Yorke
I don't like this song at all. I figured there were going to be a couple I disliked but would learn to love(see track 2) but I can't see myself liking this one ever. Its got an annoying thrumming beat that gives me a little bit of a headache. I guess it will be ok for a background song in the movie but I hope its only for a few seconds and NOT a pivital part *1 Apple*
*Aimee* I don't care for this song much as well. Basically the only thing I really like is the "thrumming beat" that Susie finds so annoying. I also like the lead singer's voice. I'm thinking I will grow to like this more. I'd give it 2 Apples.

Track 4: "Possibility" by Lykke Li

This song is my third favorite. Her voice is unique, almost Bjorkish without being off key and nose bleeding. The melody is beautiful and reminds me of a modern lullaby. The lyrics are also very passionate and fit the tone of New Moon. *4 1/2 Apples*
*Aimee* I totally agree about Bjorkish feel. I love the lyrics. Personally this is my pick for the cliff diving scene. I have to give this 5 Apples.

Track 5: "A White Demon Love Song" by The Killers
I've never really been a fan of The Killers and while I don't hate this song (see track 3) I don't love it either. The lyrics fit New Moon and toward the end it hits a good rift that I enjoyed so more than likely the more I listen to it the better it will get *2 1/2 Apples*
*Aimee* I love the music and lyrics for this song- the lyrics especially. I'd give it 4 Apples.

Track 6: "Satellite Heart" by Anya Marina

 This is my favorite song on the cd. I love the lyrics and the acoustic, coffeehouse beauty of the song. Its simple and that's what I love about it. I don't know where I would place it in the movie but I hope it's somewhere GOOD *5 Apples*
*Aimee* I have to agree that this is one of the best songs on the whole cd. I love the lyrics- it's very end-of-relationship, post-break-upish. If I was going through the demolition of relationship I would listen to this song and feel better. I have to agree and give it 5 Apples.

Track 7: "I Belong To You" by Muse

First off its Muse so what's not to love? I was really excited to see them on the cd since this particular band is one of Stephanie Meyer's hardcore inspirations. This song isn't as good as "Supermassive Blackhole" but its still really good so...*3 Apples*
*Aimee* Personally I believe this song will be the one that people go- Hey that's from New Moon! It is absolutely beautiful and the beat is amazing. This by far is my favorite from the soundtrack. I give it 5 Apples.

Track 8: "Rosyln" by Bon Iver and St. Vincent: It has a beautiful melody and good lyrics. I love acoustic music but they're helium type voices kind of take away from my enjoyment of the song. This one might take some listening to truly enjoy *1 1/2 Apples*
*Aimee* I absolutely love this song. It's very mellow and I love the music and the harmonies of the voices. I'd give it 4 Apples.

Track 9: "Done All Wrong" by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Its got an acoustic folk beat and hands down...I love it! This is my second favorite. This song reminds me of Jacob and they get extra props for using a harmonica. I have a feeling Robert Pattinson likes this song. It seems like it would fit his musical tastes. *5 Apples*
*Aimee* ok I don't really like the song all that well. The music is fine, the harmonica awesome, but not crazy for the lyrics. I'd give it 3 Apples.

Track 10: "Monsters" by Hurricane Bells
This song has more of an upbeat feel and I really like the contrast of depressing lyrics with happy music. Its not the worst song and I know I'll learn to enjoy it. *2 1/2 Apples*
*Aimee* I love the guitar on this. I find myself dancing to this in my car and that's always an indication of a good song. I give it 3 1/2 Apples.

Track 11: "The Violet Hour" by Sea Wolf
First off their band name is awesome! The song is very Bella/Jacob to me and its got this psychedelic Beatles feel to it that I really like *3 Apples*
*Aimee* I really like this song. I can't wait to see what scene it's used for. I agree with Susie 3 Apples.

Track 12: "Shooting The Moon" by Ok Go
Another nifty band name! Its got an acoustic feel but with synthesized moments that make the song catchy and interesting which I like and big props for use of drum, synthesizer(cause who does that anymore) and I love the big burst towards the end. It made me want to rock out.
*3 Apples*
*Aimee* I really like the drums. The lead singers voice is very soothing too. Please I think it's awesome that another band that was featured on Stephenie's Playlist (for Eclipse) got a space on the soundtrack. I'd give this 3 1/2 Apples.

Track 13: "Slow Life" by Grizzly Bear(with Victoria Legrand)
Okay seriously these band names are very TWILIGHT lol but anyways....This song is my guess for the cliff diving scene. Its very haunting like plenty of the songs on here but this one has a feel to it and when I close my eyes I can picture the cliff scene...i'm keeping my fingers crossed
*4 Apples*
*Aimee* I really like this song as well. It is also the song most likely to put me to sleep- why? I don't know. I guess I find it very relaxing on my ears and mind when I listen. I could see where Susie thinks it might be the cliff diving scene but I actually have a different guess. I'd give it 4 Apples.

Track 14: "No Sound But The Wind" by Editors
The singers voice is very old fashioned. I feel like I haven't heard that voice in a long time(cause I'm a fan of oldies) but the lyrics are very pretty and simplistic even if the song kinda sounds like a rejected David Hasselholf tune, I do like it. *3 Apples*
*Aimee* I'm very conflicted on this song, I like the music, the voice is slightly annoying to me but I really don't care for the lyrics. It annoys me so I give it 2 Apples.

Track 15: "New Moon(The Meadow)"
PERFECT! Each note screams New Moon and it jumps towards different emotional pockets. In some places its sad and longing others it hurtful and haunting. Desplat knew what he was doing. I honestly like this better than Carter Burwell's "Bella's Lullaby" I'll be listening to this one over and over *4 1/2 Apples*
*Aimee* I don't like it better than Bella's Lullaby but pretty much the same. It is a very good piece of instrumental work. I really do love this and it makes me look forward to the score for the movie. I give it 4 Apples.

Susie's Overall Opinion: The music on the New Moon Soundtrack fit the feel of the book. Plenty of acoustic and hauntingly depressing songs that get me in the mood to watch the film. I enjoyed more of the songs than I thought I would(lots of 3's) and this cd will definitely be in my favorites collection!
Overall Rating: 4 Apples

*Aimee's Overal Opinion: I think that the soundtrack helps portray that this movie has a more serious and depressing feeling than the last. I really only disliked a couple songs and I know that I'll come to love them the more that I listen to it. I have a feeling that some people won't like this soundtrack as well as Twilight because it is more mellow but personally very relaxing to me. Overall Rating: 4 1/2 Apples

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Will Someone Post My Bail?

I'm going to jail. I don't want to worry anyone while I'm away.

Just know that this was done out of love and
I had all of you in my thoughts dear readers.

I did it for you so how is that a crime?

I just wanted to take one for the team that way
you could live vicariously through me.

Just start the bail collection fund NOW
because I can't wait till he's 18.

Law enforcement is going to have no choice.

Sweet Jesus...

Thank you to Taylor Addiction for the amazing new pictures from GQ magazine to veiw them all go here!

*Happy Dance* I got New Moon tickets!

Now me and Susie do not live in a big town. We live in a small town, in rural KY, that is also a college town. And when I say college town, I'm talking of the type where almost all the students are from around the area and go home every weekend. So we don't get a lot of excitement here. When the Twilight DVD was being released, we knew there was gonna be a lot of people waiting at Wal-Mart (the only place in town other than Kroger to buy DVDs) and boy were we blown away! Probably over a hundred (perhaps 200, maybe more?) people were there to get their copy of the DVD. And this happened on the college's Spring Break. So as school is currently in session, and it's a Thursday afternoon I was expecting a line for the New Moon Tickets that just went on sale today at our local theatre. I decided to make the event memorable. First, I round up the friends- ok, kinda failed there as they either have class or work- so I rounded up 1 friend! We decide we're gonna get to the theatre by 11am because the tickets are set to go on sale at noon. I wake up, get in warm clothes- cause hey it's like 40 degrees here and I don't like it- stop to get some Hot Chocolate, and drive to the theatre. When I get there, everyone is still in their cars- cause hey COLD! There's about 15 cars in the lot and every now and then one will pull in, look at the sign on the door that says tickets go on sale @ 12, and leave. Meanwhile I've got my car all toasty and the New Moon Playlist playing in my CD player. After discussing some Twilight news (such as the early release of the Soundtrack and the fact that I made Susie hide the New Moon Movie Companion from me until after the release of the movie) with my friend, we notice some people getting out of their cars to wait by the doors. Ok, so we debated how long it would take us to make us get out of our car and stand in line in the cold, wet weather. As we're debating this, more people are getting out to stand in line. As we needed to buy a combined total of 20 tickets for the midnight release we decided we'd do the same. We ended up about 9-10 people back in line, not bad.

 This was about 11:20am

After standing outside for about 15 minutes, the management decides to be nice and start selling the tickets early. I barely restrained my fan girl squeal when I finally had the tickets in my hand! So yes the ending is kind of anti-climatic but this has completely made my day!

And that is my story of how I got my New Moon tickets.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vanity Fair...I Love You

Last week, honestly I can't recall when, new outtakes of Robert Pattinson from Vanity Fair were released. This shoot is by far my favorite shoot the cast did. How can you not love the following!

Oh to be that rope

Intense Face

I won't stop don't worry

Dramatic loner moment!

Then today i'm checking the blogs which is a typical once,twice, sometimes thrice a day event and low and behold my bloggy sister Whitley from Twilog has posted more Vanity Fair pictures but this time the lovely Kristen Stewart makes a striking appearance.

A leg extension of one of my favorite VF couple pics!

Wouldn't it be awesome if Robward could glamour people(like Eric) KStew would be a goner!!!

I'm a huge fan of the "DOMinant" Kristen pics! There should be more!!

That's right...Kristen is a temptress...bring it!!

And now there is even more controversy on the Robsten front because of the most beautiful picture outtake of them all!!

Absoultely Precious!!!

This is why I love this photo shoot so much. The cast doesn't have the worry lines under there eyes or the stress on there shoulders. They can be carefree and have fun. If these pictures can't convince you than CLICK HERE for the full Vanity Fair behind the scenes photo shoot video. I watched most of it and they have so much fun (all of them) together. So there's my lil soap box and show and tell session...Enjoy!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Teacher always taught me plagarizing is WRONG!!!

Even in this day and age, where you can get any information you want from google or wikipedia, we all know that plagarizing in wrong. It's morally unethical and let's face it- STUPID! It's so easy to get information and write it your way that taking other people's written work without asking or getting permission is just plain idiotic. Yes, blogs are pretty much open to anyone, are very easy to steal from- but the question is- why would you? This is our intellectual property- and thanks to wikipedia here are some interesting facts about intellectual property.
Intellectual property rights are a bundle of exclusive rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial. The former is covered by copyright laws, which protect creative works, such as books, movies, music, paintings, photographs, and software, and give the copyright holder exclusive right to control reproduction or adaptation of such works for a certain period of time.
In all countries where the Berne Convention standards apply, copyright is automatic, and need not be obtained through official registration with any government office. Once an idea has been reduced to tangible form, for example by securing it in a fixed medium (such as a drawing, sheet music, photograph, a videotape, or a computer file), the copyright holder is entitled to enforce his or her exclusive rights.
So according to the Berne Convention on copyright laws, which the US is a party to, this post is considered my intellectual property and may not be used without permission or proper citation. Please feel free to take this information and share it- but give the credit where it is due.

You may be asking why all this is important, well I'm going to tell you. It came to our attention today that the makers of the Robsessed DVD, Revolver Entertainment, have been stealing material from certain blogs. For the full inside story please go to ROBsessed and read their post here. We are asking our readers to support the Twilight Blog Community and please do not buy the Robsessed DVD, as it would be encouraging them or others to do the same. Once you've gone to ROBsessed and read the full post you can contact Revolver Entertainment at Also according to IMDB, Revolver Entertainment is listed as one of the distributors for Rob's The Haunted Airman, though only for the UK. US distribution will be done by E1 Entertainment. Also check out ROBsessed's update post here.

Now since that was pretty sad and kinda depressing I'm also going to put up what I like to call my Rob Montage. This is my first attempt at making a video like this so let me know what you think.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Death Cab for Cutie's "Meet Me on the Equinox" MTV Premiere

Here it Twifreaks! Fresh from its 8pm premiere on MTV, Death Cab For Cutie's "Meet Me on the Equinox" from The New Moon Soundtrack and motion picture

My Thoughts: Simple and that's what I like about it. Just the band and clips from the movie, plus the song is actually good. Enjoy!!!

*Aimee: That was awesome. I liked the scenes mixed in and they way it progressed, thought it fit the song well. For those who are trying to keep their purity the clips shown are basically the same as any of the trailers so you decide if you want to watch the video.

*UPDATE* Death Cab for Cutie Video

*Thank you to The Twilight Lexicon as I could not find this anywhere.



Fans Will Get the First Glimpse of the First Single From
“The Twilight Saga: New Moon Original Motion Picture Soundtrack”

New York, NY/London, England – October 7th, 2009:  MTV will host the exclusive on-air and online world premiere of the new Death Cab for Cutie music video “Meet Me On The Equinox” on Wednesday, October 7th at 8:00pm EST on MTV and  The video will debut on MTV Hits, mtvU & MTV Tr3s at 9:00pm EST, and it will make its AMTV / AMTV2 debut starting at 3:00am EST on Thursday, October 8th. The first single from The Twilight Saga: New Moon Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, “Meet Me On The Equinox” will premiere on MTV International channels and stream on MTV websites across the globe as Twilight fans gear up for the hotly anticipated release of “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” film next month.

So direct from MTV, we will get to see the video tonight. We'll try to get the video posted up as soon after 8 as possible.

Death Cab for Cutie's "Meet Me on the Equinox" Video Release

Death Cab for Cutie's video for "Meet Me on the Equinox" will premiere on today, October 7th. The video is supposed to be New Moon related and looks to be very cool. Below is a sneak peak of the making of the video.

Well try to get the video up as soon after it's released as possible.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Win a Chance to go to the New Moon Premiere!

Yes you read that right! Right now through October 11th Amazon is having a sweepstakes where the winner will win this: 1 Grand Prize consisting of a trip for 2 to Los Angeles, CA to attend the premiere of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" (the "Picture"). The Grand Prize includes:
  • Round trip coach class air transportation for 2 to Los Angeles departing from the major airport nearest to Grand Prize winner’s home on a date that coincides with the premiere of the Picture;
  • 2 tickets to the premiere of the Picture which will be held on or about November 16, 2009;
  • An opportunity for you and your guest to “meet and greet” some of the cast members of the Picture;
  • 2 nights’ standard hotel accommodations (double occupancy);
  • Ground transportation between the airport and hotel in Los Angeles, CA;
  • Twilight 2-Disc Special Edition DVD;
  • A Barbie Twilight Edward Doll;
  • A Barbie Twilight Bella Doll;
  • The Twilight Saga Book Collection;
  • The Twilight Saga: New Moon: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion (Paperback);
  • The Twilight Saga: New Moon: The Movie Board Game
  • A Twilight Hat, Glove and Scarf Winter Set; and
  • The Twilight Saga: New Moon Soundtrack; and
  • A Twilight “Lion and Lamb” Keyring/Bagclip.
How cool is that?!? Plus the only thing you have to do is create or add to an existing Wish List on Amazon. Once you do that you'll be invited to enter the sweepstakes. Just imagine, you could be the lucky fan that wins! You could meet some of the cast! Hurry and Enter!


If you guys want to see what comes from winning prizes in our lovely Twiverse- head over and read Edge of Night. Chapter 10 is now up and features ME as a character. Can't tell you how cool this is! I am so flattered and I can't wait to read more!

New Books, Pumpkins, and Confessions

New News from Stephenie's site today. Some new editions are going on sale soon. First listed is The Twilight Sage: New Moon Movie Tie-In (already on sale)- same good story, cool cover art (according to Seth.) The next goes on sale tomorrow, erm, today October 6th, The Twilight Saga: New Moon- The Official Illustrated Movie Companion. We have the Twilight one which is awesome so I'm looking forward to getting my own copy of this but I'm going to wait until the movie actually comes out so nothing is spoiled. Lastly we have the New Moon Collector's Edition and The Twilight Journals both on sale October 13th.

Also over at TwiCrack Addict today I saw that there are actually Twilight Pumpkin Carving Stencils available! How AWESOME is that?!? Here's what they look like.
I'm afraid to actually carve a pumpkin and leave it outside in my neighborhood but I might have to buy them and set up pumpkins in the house and hope the cats them them alone. Here's a link to purchase: click here.

On a personal note, I have been trying to stay away from Eclipse pictures, set news, etc- It's been hard going and no I'm not upset if I see something but lately I've been remembering (In all this lead up to New Moon) how much I didn't know about Twilight before it came out and how obsessed I got over the movie. I watched it over and over again at the theatre, i found online (yes illegal) copies online to watch every night for months after it came out. I bought all the merchandise I could lay my hands on in this podunk town- and I became a Twitard. Now with New Moon, I've seen a lot of information, clips, videos, and yes I loved watching the Trailers and video mashups and all that but I feel almost apathetic about the movie coming out. I'm hoping I get more excited the closer it comes out but I'm afraid that I've seen almost all of the movie in all the clips and pictures I've seen already. So with this feeling I have distanced myself from the Eclipse news- and let me say I'm so excited for Eclipse to come out already. I don't know what it's going to entail, I don't know how it's going to look (beside KStew's really bad wig, who could miss that picture?) and so I think I have found my passion again. I went to go see Fame this weekend and there was a New Moon trailer before the movie and yes I got excited because it was the first time I got to see the trailer on the big screen but oh boy I cannot wait until Eclipse. I feel almost like I did when I finished reading Twilight and had to wait to get my hands on the rest of the books- pure excitement and joy! Perhaps I have reclaimed my TV (Twilight Virginity) card but whatever it is I'm glad to have found it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

"The Host" to be made a Movie!

Announced on Stephenie Meyer's website on Sept. 23rd- The Host is set to make it to the big screen. The Host was published May 6, 2008 and since then has gone on to get great reviews and if I'm not mistaken even spent some time on the Best Sellers List. What's that? You haven't read The Host? Well here's what it's about:

Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away.

Our world has been invaded by an unseen enemy. Humans become hosts for these invaders, their minds taken over while their bodies remain intact and continue their lives apparently unchanged. Most of humanity has succumbed.

When Melanie, one of the few remaining "wild" humans is captured, she is certain it is her end. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, was warned about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the glut of senses, the too vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind.

Wanderer probes Melanie's thoughts, hoping to discover the whereabouts of the remaining human resistance. Instead, Melanie fills Wanderer's mind with visions of the man Melanie loves—Jared, a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer begins to yearn for a man she has been tasked with exposing. When outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off on a dangerous and uncertain search for the man they both love.

If you'd like to see the full announcement you can view it here.

Again I'm late with this story but congrats to Meyer's. Let's hope she publishes more awesome stories to come because let's face it.... she's on a roll.
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