Sunday, September 13, 2009

New Moon Extended Trailer from VMAs and 1st song from soundtrack

Very slight differences from the trailer we linked in our last post which is the trailer seen before Sorority Row. This has a few more quotable lines. Enjoy!

Death Cab for Cutie's "Meet Me on the Equinox" full song.

Don't know why these players from MTV are larger than most LOL. enjoy!


  1. HAHAHAHA! I have mastered the HTML layout code to widen the post width so the videos no longer lay over the sidebar! HAHAHA yes this only took me an hour once I started looking for the answer.

  2. Ooh, can't wait to watch these over and over. Can't believe I have to wait until I get home from work :( Apparently videos and music take up too much bandwidth on the work server. Hmph...

    Oh, and is Russell Brand not hilarious?! He's as funny as Kayne is douchetastic.


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