Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mrs. V...We Worship You! AnF's New Look!

Isn't it beautiful! We want to thank the amazing Mrs. Vanquish for doing this for us and just in time for Christmas! Thank you for putting up with Susie's constant nagging about sparkle location and Aimee's insistent behavior over the including of red!

If you want a glorious new look to your blog and you want the perfect one to do it then go right here:

Twispired blogdesign
Click Button!

So you can set up your own blog with a look that represents you and whatever it is that you're blog is about!

Don't worry everything is still here just in different places. If you want to be included on our blogroll or affiliates just email us and let us know!

Thank you Mrs. V! WE LOVE YOU!!!


  1. Oh, it's awesome!!! Another great job by the lovely Mrs. V! Congratulations!!

  2. Love the new look!! Oh, and thanks for the lovely card!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous! I love it. Awesome work Mrs. V!

  4. So perfect! I especially love the post divider!!

  5. the layout is amazing! MrsV is the master!

  6. Girls I'm so happy you like it, and this layout is perfectly you :)) *giggles* Lot's of Apples and Feathers and I love the sparkles!

  7. What an excellent look!! I love what you've done to the place!!

  8. OOHH!! I love it!!!

  9. Gorgeous!!! I love it!!! Love your header!

  10. It's perfect! Very professional! If I had a blog I know who I'd want to do mine!


Blog designed by Twispired Blogdesign using Catherine's Pêle Mêle, Memory Keeper : Black and Cream Variation